The STAT program is designed to offer a thorough education that follows the pattern of the classical Trivium. Covering the required “subjects” but designed to teach children to inquire, to examine and to think for themselves, the STAT program offers children the opportunity to truly learn and fosters a love of learning. STAT uses a curriculum based on the model put forth in Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum by Laura Berquist, that incorporates the phases and methods of the classical Trivium. By offering the program to small classes of children, with flexibility for grade placement, STAT accomplishes something that a homeschooling program conducted solely at home can not: competition and social engagement coupled with accountability outside the home. Click to see our Book Lists
The tutorial is a hybrid of the home-school and the classroom. Affording the advantages of classroom dynamics, while immersing the child in the life of his home, we seek to provide a complete education of the person and prepare him for an active Christian life that includes both engagement with peers and the development of a home-based sanctuary for personal and familial growth – spiritual, intellectual and emotional.
A typical academic week at STAT might be as follows:
Monday: Students are dropped off at STAT by 8:10am to begin the day. We start our day with a morning assembly and prayers. Next all students have Math as the first class of the day. This allows for appropriate placement for student success in Mathematics. Students will have Lunch and Recess as well. Sample daily schedules may be found here: Schedules. Dismissal and pickup are at 3:20pm..
Tuesday: parents or students log into JupiterEd to retrieve assignments prepared by the tutors for home study that day. Through a combination of self-directed work and parent instruction, the child completes the assignments. Some assignments are graded by parents, and some are turned in to tutors for grading. Because there is no “busy work” in the curriculum, most home-work can be completed in approximately 3 – 4 hours (depending on the student’s needs), leaving time for additional activities (e.g., chores or outings).
Wednesday: Same as Monday.
Thursday, Friday: Same as Tuesday. Parents or students retrieve assignments from JupiterEd for completion at home. Tutor generally post assignments for both days on Thursday allowing parents to plan their days accordingly.